Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Can The Military Reject You For Having Eczema

MBP 2007. Now the going gets tough .. Beware

E 'finished the first round of the Playoffs 2007 Marketing Blog. Shift that, as you know, E- Adv jumped through a lucky draw.

MBP 2007
The verdicts were issued and there were the first victims distinguished. Sorry no longer primarily in the race's Friends Disruption (dear talented Markettara ) AAA Copywriter (the legendary Alex ) and Daniel of Viralavatar . Honor their opponents winning (not easy to beat the boys must have been mentioned!).

Il tabellone aggiornato dei MBP 2007
Now, meanwhile, the going gets tough for E- Adv. Opponent will be eighth of the excellent blog of Daniel Orsi (which is required to measure precisely on Viralavatar). What, then? Good luck to all (to my opponent in the first place), crack (the wolf) e.. Let's play!


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