Friday, April 20, 2007

Thin Hemp Bracelets For Men

suicide by brand?

Si chiama Suicide Food ed è uno dei siti sul branding (e dintorni) più incredibili che abbia mai visto. E', infatti, interamente dedicato ai marchi, alle insegne o agli ads che mostrano animali felici di essere mangiati.

Suicide Food
What is Suicide Food? Suicide Food is any depiction of animals that act as though they wish to be consumed. Suicide Food actively participates in or celebrates its own demise. Suicide Food identifies with the oppressor. Suicide Food is a bellwether of our decadent society. Suicide Food says, “Hey! Come on! Eating meat is without any ethical ramifications! See, Mr. Greenjeans? The animals aren’t complaining! So what's your problem? "Suicide Food is not funny (Suicide Food from the site.)

Suicide Food
In any case published then Suicide Food assigns a certain number of nooses (loops) as "psychological assessment" ( psych evaluation). Here's the legend:

1 noose = mildly troubling 2 nooses =
3 nooses = Perverse 4 nooses = Deeply
disturbed and disturbing 5 nooses = Ye gods
! I must go wash out my eyeballs!

The author of the blog in question is a crazy guy of Seattle, named Ben .
Call to check out other blogs operated by him and listed in his profile.

Do not believe it!


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